Here are 5 snacks to keep you full for longer! From a Registered Dietitian


By Ines Jabir, RD

From crisps to chocolate, crackers to almonds, snacks can be resourced everywehere; but what is actually giving us sustainable energy? Today we will be discussing into nourishing snacks and how to keep ourselves healthy and productive.

With the increased busy lifestyle we have, accumulated stress and reduced energy levels, it is important to be able to energise ourselves with effective snacks or meals that will give us sustained energy and lead to improved productivity

In the nutrition world, there are is a group of nutrients called macro-nutrients, meaning we need them in larger quantities compared to micronutrients (which include vitamins and minerals).

Macronutrients include: Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats. Some foods have only one of the three groups and some other foods have two macronutrients in them. Here is a breakdown!

Carbohydrates are our main source of energy and it is quickly digested, hence not maintaining a feeling a fullness for a longer period of time. This being said, it also important to remember that they are the perfect snack for hikes, prolonged walks or cardio activities that can cause a decrease of your blood glucose levels. And you can always combine them with protein or fibre, if you would like!

Plant-based foods, including nuts & seeds, pulses and beans contain considerable amounts of protein. Hence if you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, it is important to consume  a variety of plant-based protein to continuously support your muscles' growth and repair.

But how can we optimise our nutritional intake? The answer is having the perfect balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats in our meals and today I will be giving you some ideas of snacks and tips on how to prepare them!

Avocado and egg with wholegrain toast

Healthy fats (avocado and egg) with additional fibre through wholegranary bread.

Apple and nut butter (almond, peanut, cashew butter)

Slice your apple in 3 or 4 slices and spread your favourite nut butter to add a smooth texture to your cruncy apple.

Greek Yoghurt with berries and nuts

Filled with nourishing nuts and flavourful berries, this snack is the balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats. 

Oatcake with soft cheese

This delicious snack is quick and easy with your favourtite soft cheese or ricotta on top of oatcake. You can flavour it with added herbs or spices!

Veggie sticks and hummus

With a flavour of the Middle East, hummus is rich in protein and unsaturated fats with olive oil to match with your fibre (vegetables) with little preparation time.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Nutrition Balance's editorial stance. This blog should not be consulted for medical advice.